Flexibility, resilience and efficiency are the positive consequences of a migration to the cloud. This secure space will provide your company (and your employees) with non-stop access to key data and work processes. No matter where you are, you’ll always have your important documents. However, migration can be difficult and disruptive to your business. To ensure that this evolution, with its many advantages, goes smoothly and quickly, follow our step-by-step advice!
1. Understand the needs of the business
Why does your business need to migrate to the cloud? Which departments have the most to gain from this migration? To make the transition as smooth as possible, take it step by step starting with the key documents.
The data that are often migrated first are marketing data (list of prospects, specific offers, templates…), HR (pay slip, leave forms), accounting and customer data.
2. Give priority to safety
A growing concern for businesses, security is one of the main reasons to choose cloud computing. But not all solutions are created equal. List the essential criteria in choosing your cloud tool. Put security as a main element in your decision. When you look at the different services and offers, it will be easier for you to choose a provider.
3. choose solutions with training and customer service
Cloud applications and services will only benefit your business if your employees know how to use them. Look for vendors with an excellent track record of training and customer support. Also look to see if they offer guides, tutorials or webinars. Also check out the access conditions to the technical service. If you have a problem, our advisors should be able to answer and help you quickly.
4. Choose a trusted specialist
To ensure a smooth migration, seek help from a cloud computing specialist. They will be able to migrate your data safely from a local server to a cloud solution.
To find a trusted provider, rely on recommendations from other companies, you will get a list of cloud specialists. Profiles with positive reviews should get your attention. Contact them to find out their skills and get a detailed offer according to your needs.
5. Perform multiple backups
Before migration, copy your critical systems and important documents to external hard drives. You can also opt for interim cloud solutions such as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive. This limits data loss and allows your employees to still have access to files during the migration.
6. Manage each step of the process
Migrating to the cloud is an important step that also carries some risk. Don’t think you’re making the switch all at once Don’t think about making the change all at once, without even taking a look at the migration. Avoid putting all the responsibility on the vendor’s shoulders, but maintain a supervisory role. Anticipate the migration, get trained and be prepared for any eventuality.
7. Create a Wiki of your cloud computing solution
To ensure that you and your employees benefit from this migration, consider installing a document base at the root of the cloud. In it, include all the information your employees will need to use the solution. You can copy the files provided by your cloud provider or create your own usage process.